Wednesday, November 24, 2010

"Put that spider on the stick!"

In the Philippines children have a past time that anyone who doesn't have an Animal Planet special may find a bit disturbing. They go to the cemetery, and collect spiders. Big, nasty, hairy, spiders. They take these spiders to school and sell them, making 5 to 10 pesos per spider (Roughly 44 pesos per USD). The new owner trains said spiders, finds the perfect stick, and commences in the time honored tradition of Spider Fighting. I can't make this crap up!

Most days, I love having some local friends, but when NeBoy promised Brycen that he'd bring him some prime fighters, I prayed he'd forget. Yeah, I'm not that lucky. I hate spiders with a deep-rooted-soul-consuming hatred. Until last Sunday, I never thought I was actually afraid, I simply hated them. NeBoy delivered a small unassuming pills-of-the-week box, inside were 6 of the biggest most revolting spiders to walk this planet, which my brother promptly shoved into my face. Rude.
We stored the spiders in the garage over night, not a chance was I going to let them stay in the house. I was under the false belief that the spiders would remain outside. Sunday night, they were invited in for an evening of entertainment. Each spider was "owned" by one of us. I had Thursday, and Keven Todd had Friday. They were the first round.

The spiders are placed on opposite sides of the stick, which they enjoy repelling off of, and begin the dance of death. They hug, and bite each other. The one to bite most wins...each bite delivers venom, paralyzing the loser. The winner then wraps the unfortunate in a web-cocoon and gloats. Really, the winners all stood on the stick and gave a little smirk. I saw it.

After the initial shock of watching spiders crawl around the living room wore off, I found myself getting into it...although I never got as close as Brycen. And, although I will not be repeating this adventure, another "must do" in Cebu can be crossed the list. 6 spiders slowly dwindled to 1, Wednesday, owned by Michelle. And a dead spider was added to the pile after every round.

I know betting is bad...but to fully understand the bizarre joy of watching spiders fight to the death, you have to put your money where your mouth is. Seeing as how my spider was clearly superior in brute force as well as ugliness, I made a clean sweep.

As the last spider wrapped up...get it?...I relaxed. Remember how I thought I only hated spiders, no fear involved? Well, I was wrong. Because my 3 year-old nephew took the stick and chased me up the stairs. I screamed like the baby I once was, and ran. Yeah, it's official, I hate spiders and Brycen can't be trusted.

1 comment:

  1. I really do not even know how to fully express how very NOT COOL this is! I am so glad you are in Cebu with these "horrors". Just reading this gives me the heebee jeebees like I can't even tell you. Have fun with all this! But I have to admit, Brycen's face is priceless!!
